Statement of solidarity in the fight against anti-Black racism

The events of the last week have served as a painful reminder that anti-Black racism impacts the lives of so many, with our own unique history and political context in Canada beyond that which occurs in the US. As an evidence-based organization dedicated to better health and health care, we know that racism has a profound influence on peoples' health and wellbeing in many ways, including their ability to access health care. 

We denounce racism against all racialized communities and particularly, stand in solidarity with our Black members and supporters, as well as Black communities across Canada and the US who face anti-Black racism as a daily reality.

The evidence of history clearly demonstrates that outrage is not enough. Good intentions are not enough. All people in Canada must begin the hard, caring, intentional work of understanding and changing our society and actively building a different future. For non-Black people, this means learning how we may participate in, benefit form and uphold the racist structures around us, and how we can ally with Black people to tear these structures down. Taking action should be our true reflection that Black lives matter.

As an organization we commit ourselves to working with allied organizations and communities to identify and eliminate systemic racism and its detrimental impacts on the health and lives of Black people in this country.