Canadian Doctors for Medicare are deeply concerned over proposed and wide-ranging cuts to health care services in Alberta, including a reduction in acute care beds, layoffs for nursing staff and cuts to physician services, appearing to predominantly target family physicians serving complex and inner city patients.
"These cuts are completely contrary to what Mr. Kenney and the UCP campaigned on," said Dr. Jillian Ratti, a family physician and member of Canadian Doctors for Medicare's board of directors.
The news of these cuts has broken against the backdrop of the United Conservative Party Convention this weekend, during which delegates voted against a resolution to uphold the Canada Health Act, the federal legislation that underpins our health care system and enshrines the principle of access to hospital and physician care based on need, not ability to pay.
"Per capita health care costs in Alberta are indeed high, but they are far lower than what is seen in the United States," said Dr. Ratti. "Our service levels, particularly to vulnerable patients, reflect our investment. The solution for decreasing costs is not to cut public sector jobs and health services. Albertans would be better served by an honest and in-depth assessment of the public sector innovations that have enabled other provinces to reduce their costs in a way that improves health and ensures equitable access to care for all."
Canadian Doctors for Medicare (CDM) provides a voice for Canadian doctors who want to strengthen and improve Canada's universal publicly-funded health care system. CDM advocates for innovations in treatment and prevention services that are evidence-based and improve access, quality, equity and sustainability.
For more information or to book an interview:
Matt Blair
Communications and Outreach Officer
Canadian Doctors for Medicare
[email protected]