At Canadian Doctors for Medicare, we believe that a high-quality, equitable, sustainable health system built on the best available evidence is the highest expression of Canadians caring for one another. Our mission is to provide a voice for Canadian doctors who want to strengthen and improve Canada's universal publicly-funded health care system. We advocate for innovations in treatment and prevention services that are evidence-based and improve access, quality, equity and sustainability.
CDM in the News
Our board members regularly publish evidence-based opinion pieces and provide interviews to media outlets about emerging issues about health care in Canada. Click here for the latest updates.
Cambie Trial
Medicare is on trial in British Columbia and CDM is proud to participate in the Cambie trial as an intervenor. Our role has been to bring key evidence before the courts in defence of Canadians' access to health care based on need, not ability to pay. Click here for more information.
Canadian Doctors for Medicare is proud to advocate for universal public pharmacare, which the evidence has shown to be the most efficient and equitable means of ensuring that patients and families can access the medications they need. We are proud to stand with the majority who recognize that the time has come for fair and affordable drug coverage for all people in Canada. Click here for more information.
Press room
For press releases and more information about how to get in touch with us for media inquiries, click here.
From 2008 to 2016, Canadian Doctors for Medicare published and distributed Medicare E-Rounds, structured abstracts of peer-reviewed academic papers on evidence related to health care financing and delivery. You can find all 51 of them here.